We exist to end
needless suffering.
Existimos para acabar con el sufrimiento innecesario
Our Vision
Healing Hands Mission is a not for profit organization providing medical assistance to those who need it most.
Our current mission, every March and June, reaches out to a rural region in the Eastern portion of Guatemala.
Medical Assistance
We aim to bring compassion and care without judgment.
With your help and the help of all those who volunteer, we hope to expand and grow our mission, reaching more of those in need.
Want to get involved but aren't able to take time off or not a healthcare provider?
Contact us to learn about hosting a supplies drive or pray for our patients and our missionaries!
Why Guatemala
Health indicators reveal that Guatemala has the most significant differences among Latin American countries between the various population groups with the greatest disparity and challenges among the indigenous, the rural, and the poor.
Access to Healthcare
Guatemala has the highest rate of private expenditure in order to access healthcare than any other Latin American country. This statistic is reflected in the fact that poor, rural Guatemalans must pay cash in order to receive the most basic of health care needs.
Maternal Mortality
Maternal mortality among the indigenous population is 163/100,000 live births (LB), whereas among the non-indigenous population it is 78/100,000 LB.
Feel free to contact us with any questions.
P.O. Box 864, St. Charles, IL 60174